Category Management

Signature Insights & Analytics is an independent category management firm that generates quantifiable growth and drives market share for Target. We are experts in all retail channels and drive value by turning data into actionable insights. Our award-winning and highly experienced team delivers unmatched strategic leadership, actionable insights and results with an eye on the ever-evolving consumer path to purchase.
What We Do
Digital Gurus
Develop strategies to drive both store and online channels
Leverage traditional data sources, external guest data, site metrics and competitive analysis to understand the guest's entire purchase journey
Use multiple digital tools to pull insights and analytics
Strategy to Execution
Deliver on everything in between for the best in category management
Develop informed strategies that drive value across all channels
Accelerate work streams through an unbiased view
All About the Guest
Partner with you to delight the guest no matter the channel or service
Deliver guest-centered recommendations to grow sales, market share and loyalty
What’s our Signature?
Here’s what you can expect from Category Management at Signature Retail Solutions
Category Strategy + Insights
Award-Winning Team
Digital Experts
Planogram Process Management
Strategic Partnerships
Quickly Reacting Based on Trends
Immediately after the pandemic was declared, there was substantial increase in internal search for all types of Desks. There was opportunity to not only optimize internal search results, but also drive more traffic to the site through external search engines to acquire new guests.